
Business Opportunity Websites

Cash Flow Consultant Website Templates

Requires Enterprise Silver Hosting $149.95 Setup and $14.95 per month Hosting Fee
FREE Training / Support at IACFB

Historically, one of the most popular home business enterprises with a vast array of commission-generating product areas.

The business of note brokering is the cornerstone and the entry point to what is known as The Cash Flow Industry.  Unlike their cash flow consultant brethren, however, note brokers tend to be singularly focused on one product and one product only, owner carry-back mortgage notes, and do not delve into the many other product areas of the cash flow industry.

Cash Flow Consultant
Training for Brokers at IACFB Academy

DataMax provides currently over 100 different types of websites for enterprise home based entrepreneurs.  Typically, we provide links to books and info at to helf you get started, up and running.  The IACFB is different.  The IACFB is specifically a special training program for “brokers” that are involved  to provide business owners and, in some instances, with the capital required for various types of financing.  

These websites include the powerful drag and drop editor “Elementor” which provides you with complete control over colors, images, text, pictures, and more.  For mortgage note brokers, these websites allow you to easily join affiliate programs and earn commission income .